Once more unto the X Wing breach.

So in a few weeks I’m going to be going with a few others to an Xwing Comp in Preston, because lord knows that we don’t get any here in Blackpool. Before Covid (in a time period that I’m almost certain historians will refer to as “B.C”) we were going to go to a store comp “dahn saahf” in teams of three, so my team consisting of my Bro, a nice chap called Tony and myself, wanted to get tshirts for the occasion. Then covid hit. and everything flew out of the window.


Ere we go

We got wind of a comp locally and we couldn’t resist, so I farted out the above logo for our team and we’re apparently actually going.

So I’m going to be using my standard second edition fun list called “Welcome to Rogue Squadron” which consists of 3 E Wings. How will I fare? Oh, almost certainly badly.

I’ll post after the comp and tell you all how I did.

Read the EU: The Truce at Bakura

On the eve of the final explosive onslaught, Rebel and Imperial forces must finally come to terms with each other…or lose the entire galaxy to the hideous servitude promised by a victorious alien enemy.

Capturing the sweep and excitement of the original Star Wars saga, The Truce at Bakura plants a seed of hope for peace, sees the formation of a timeless love, and stands witness to a Jedi’s undying sacrifice to defend Humanity against an alien nemesis.

Its 1993 and the world hasn’t been introduced to annoying and useless party members yet. We’re still really at a really formative part of the EU, and into this comes a story that is set in the immediate aftermath of Ep6.

Ah yes, but is it any good?
Continue reading “Read the EU: The Truce at Bakura”

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire – Read the EU

Because of a certain UNKNOWN BOOK THAT DOESN’T exist, an evil empire that needs taking down, and because I previously mentioned it in my last Star Wars book review, I’m here to talk to you about Shadows of the Empire.

Shadows (Wookiepedia link) was an idea from lucasfilm that the company could “release a film with all the associated merchandise and tie ins, without actually releasing the film” that came out across various media in 1996. And unless you’ve lived under a rock with regard to SW, it was a rip roaring success.

But is it any good?
Continue reading “Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire – Read the EU”

Heart of the Jedi. A “new” Star Wars EU book

Karking sithspit! This “Star Wars” day actually turned out to be one that I didn’t face with dread.

We need to talk about this book for many reasons, but the first one is as a review. To get hits.

Don’t ask how it got released, JUST BUY ONE
Continue reading “Heart of the Jedi. A “new” Star Wars EU book”

Finally, Disney Star Wars is Done

So the last film of the Disney Trilogy is out and quelle surprise it was complete and utter tripe, even the shill “reviewers” are saying it. Now as much as part of me wants to give Disney the benefit of some doubt and say the movie was the best it could have been given where ep7 and 8 went, but that’s still on them. Once they started down that dark path, forever it dominated their path. Continue reading “Finally, Disney Star Wars is Done”

What’s wrong with Star Wars? Episode 4: The prequel trilogy is better. No really

Yes, you read that right. The Prequel Trilogy is better.

han solo oh gawd
I bet you were wondering when I’d get onto the real controversy.

A fairly popular myth that floats around the troglodytes and hipsters of the internet is that the Prequels and Sequels are about as good as each other. Like all good lies, this one has roots in truth. (And believe me I know how hard it is to disprove a lie that has elements of truth in it, sometimes you’d be forgiven for thinking you shouldn’t fight it; but again from experience you always fucking should). Rather I come to think of this inaccurate assessment as The Prequels are good stories that are told poorly, whereas the Sequels are bad stories told well. Don’t believe me? Lets begin.

Continue reading “What’s wrong with Star Wars? Episode 4: The prequel trilogy is better. No really”

What’s wrong with Star Wars? Episode 3: The new characters are poorly developed and don’t grow

Sometimes, I swear I’m clairvoyant. I was on about Disney not understanding the franchise last post, and then they go and stomp on a not for profit fan movie. (Probably because it’s better than what they’re putting out). Only after fans threatened a boycott of Ep9 did someone at Lucasfilm (probably not a Kathleen Kennedy supporter, probably someone who deserves to be there) lift the claim against that movie.

So the slightly more astute of you might have noticed during the course of my previous posts I keep referring to Rey as a Mary Sue (and yes, she is one). However she isn’t the only problematic character in the series. In her defence though, she is at least two dimensional…

Here we go again

Continue reading “What’s wrong with Star Wars? Episode 3: The new characters are poorly developed and don’t grow”

What’s wrong with Star Wars? Episode 2: Disney doesn’t understand the franchise.

The previous post brings me onto the reason behind why the new universe is so divisive.
Not female or non-caucaisian pro/antagonists, shock horror. (Because the old universe was littered with both you idiot, interesting point here is the ethnicity of a character isn’t regularly discussed in the books so the viewer can assign what they want to a character to make them more relatable, numbnuts.*)
Its divisive because Disney meddled. They didn’t in Marvel because they realised they didn’t know it. They know movies, so they made movies and got Marvel to write the stories. They thought they knew Star Wars, and they don’t.

Disney needs to very sharply do a humongous and obvious u-turn with regard to the new universe, as well as the EU, and their treatment of their largest demographic^ if they want to stand the slightest chance of Star Wars being in the geeky zeitgeist even 5 years from now.

Don’t know what I mean? Let’s start with Luke. Continue reading “What’s wrong with Star Wars? Episode 2: Disney doesn’t understand the franchise.”

What’s wrong with Star Wars? Episode 1: The problem with Star Wars fans

Somewhere, deep down inside I always knew I’d have to do this. As more and more people seem to insist on talking to me about Star Wars, it was inevitable that this was going to happen…Fine.



This is all utter fucking tripe.

Surprise! I’m going in a different direction!

Continue reading “What’s wrong with Star Wars? Episode 1: The problem with Star Wars fans”