Once more unto the X Wing breach.

So in a few weeks I’m going to be going with a few others to an Xwing Comp in Preston, because lord knows that we don’t get any here in Blackpool. Before Covid (in a time period that I’m almost certain historians will refer to as “B.C”) we were going to go to a store comp “dahn saahf” in teams of three, so my team consisting of my Bro, a nice chap called Tony and myself, wanted to get tshirts for the occasion. Then covid hit. and everything flew out of the window.


Ere we go

We got wind of a comp locally and we couldn’t resist, so I farted out the above logo for our team and we’re apparently actually going.

So I’m going to be using my standard second edition fun list called “Welcome to Rogue Squadron” which consists of 3 E Wings. How will I fare? Oh, almost certainly badly.

I’ll post after the comp and tell you all how I did.

2019: The Plan

Yeah yeah, I know: we’ve been here before.

I’ve said it before: I’m self aware, if nothing else.

So 2018 has been and is almost gone. Over the course of the past 365 days I’ve come to think of it as…a period of my life that I’ve been through. As usual I’ve not done an awful lot of what I wanted, I’ve gotten fatter, have become less active, have procrastinated more, and have spent a lot of money on things I should have not.

Continue reading “2019: The Plan”

X-Wing: My Second Tournament Pt1: Best Laid Plans

Well it’s been a tad longer than I thought.

Oh it’s you again.

So a while ago I participated in an X-Wing GNK event and placed 3rd…out of 6…in an event I ran…and never got around to doing that sort of thing again. (Careful now) You would have thought by now I would have learnt right? Well, you can lead a hearse to water, but you can’t make it sink!

Continue reading “X-Wing: My Second Tournament Pt1: Best Laid Plans”

X-Wing: My first tournament


A little while back I mentioned that I never meant X-Wing to ever become anything more than a little, occasional, fun time waster… well I entered (and ran) my first X-Wing tournament last week, down at Harlequins Blackpool. We have a group that meets down there every Saturday, 1:30PM till whenever we get chucked out (usually 7 ish), we’re not uber WAAC gamers, we’re just there to have fun. A little while back, when Tom (the charming, witty and dashingly handsome owner of Harlequins) asked me if I’d be interested in running a GNK for X-Wing in a few weeks time I was a but trepidatious, but foolishly I said yes. Fool…fool…
Continue reading “X-Wing: My first tournament”

Star Wars X-wing Miniatures Game. An occasional gamer’s thoughts

Oh X-wing. You were meant to be a cheap game to keep kibby and I amused on occasion, but damn. The plastic crack has hit again, and hard.

Original trilogy starter set master race. None of your Mary Sue new trilogy T70 X-wings peasants here.

Continue reading “Star Wars X-wing Miniatures Game. An occasional gamer’s thoughts”